
It takes 15 years to become an overnight success.
A week spent around a campfire will tell you more about a person than a decade spent living next door to them..
Rhythmic Soul-Singer Songwriter, storytelling poet, harmonica-playing, tap-dancing, Guitar-picking, one-man-rhythmic dance-band.
Rhythmic Storyteller, multi-instrumentalist...telling unpalatable truths about broken hearts, social justice, in songs that are percussive, bold, lyrical, deeply personal, and have an unexpected edge to them, accompanied by spoons, harmonica, guitar, trombone, and tap-dancing shoes..
New Album 2024
My latest album 'Tow Lines', will soon be released and available from my shop.
New Tour Dates
Check here to see when I'm coming to a venue near you.
Latest Album
My latest album 'GUSTO', available from my shop.
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Rory McLeod Songbook
After requests for chords and lyrics, I made this book.